Professionalism and the PDP 01/11/19

01/11/2019 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM CT


  • Free


United 4 Children
1310 Papin St., Suite 100B
Saint Louis, MO 63103
United States of America


Participants will learn about the elements of a profession and what makes the field of afterschool a profession. Attendees will be guided through the process to complete a self-review using the Core Competencies. In addition to ranking the competency statements, participants will identify competencies to include in their Professional Development Plan and/or to seek additional training in those areas


Participants will learn about the elements of a profession and what makes the field of afterschool a profession.   Attendees will be guided through the process to complete a self-review using the Core Competencies. In addition to ranking the competency statements, participants will identify competencies to include in their Professional Development Plan and/or to seek additional training in those areas