Developmental Surveillance and Screening (21.25%)

02/16/2021 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM CT


  • Free



In this training you will learn how to recognize developmental milestones and how to use the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” milestone checklists to support developmental montitoring with children and families. You will also learn the diffence between developmental monitoring and screening and why they are both important. Finally, as an early childhood educator, you are a valuable resource to parents! They look to you for information about their child, and they trust you. You will learn how to engage parents in tracking their child's development and learn strategies to communicate with and support parents when there is a developmental concern.


In this training you will learn how to recognize developmental milestones and how to use the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” milestone checklists to support developmental montitoring with children and families. You will also learn the diffence between developmental monitoring and screening and why they are both important. Finally, as an early childhood educator, you are a valuable resource to parents! They look to you for information about their child, and they trust you. You will learn how to engage parents in tracking their child's development and learn strategies to communicate with and support parents when there is a developmental concern.

Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

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