Introduction to Conscious Discipline

03/30/2022 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM CT


  • Free


ZOOM - Online

Virtual Meeting URL:


This training introduces Conscious Discipline and the core components of safety, connection and problem solving. Participants will also learn about the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model and the Conscious Discipline School Family


Meeting ID: 895 7885 3845

Presented By: Rachel Barber


I know the difference between traditional discipline concepts and Conscious Discipline methods.
I can identify the three brain states included in the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model.
I know how to create a school family in my classroom.

Core Competencies: 
6.1.1.b - Demonstrates developmentally appropriate guidance approaches and interactions.
6.1.2.a - Provides a supportive environment in which children and youth can learn and practice appropriate and acceptable behaviors.
6.1.4.a - Applies theories of child and youth development to improve guidance strategies.