Language & Literacy for All Including Diverse Learning (14%)

11/03/2022 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM CT


  • Free



The research tells us that language and literacy skills are highly correlated to brain development and school achievement. These skills are foundational to all future learning for all children. This session explores the importance of providing a literacy rich environment for all children, including strategies for children with special needs and challenging behavior.


Presenter: Adrienne Humphries

Meeting ID: 874 3158 4004 

Objectives:Participants will learn 3 ways to create literacy opportunities in the classroom. Participants will learn 3 components of a literacy rich environment. Participants will learn how many books a child needs to be successful both in the home and in the classroom. Participants will learn at least 3 strategies to support language and literacy for diverse learners.


CDA: 1