Professionalism: "Walking the Walk"

05/11/2023 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM CT


  • Free


[No City], MO 63103
United States of America

Virtual Meeting URL:


Most people know what it means to be a “professional”, but this training focuses on how to implement professionalism as it relates specifically to the Early Childhood and/or Youth Development fields. Ways to implement professionalism while working with children, families, and colleagues will be discussed.



Meeting ID:  835 1173 9832

Zoom Link:

Presented By: Adrienne Humphries

Participants will know ways to implement professionalism when working with the children

Participants will know ways to implement professionalism when working with families

Participants will know ways to implement professionalism when working with colleagues
Core Competencies: 

  • 8.1.1.b - Acts ethically, maintaining confidentiality and impartiality, based on a professional code of ethics.
  • 8.1.2.b - Demonstrates commitment to a professional code of ethics and other professional guidelines.
  • 8.1.2.d - Interacts with others in a professional manner.
  • 8.1.3.a - Demonstrates positive relationships and supportive interactions when caring for children and youth.
  • 8.1.3.b - Promotes professionalism and ethical responsibilities by following a professional code of ethics.